South Korea’s parliament has approved a bill that will make it the first country to impose curbs on Google and Apple’s payment policies that force developers to only use the tech giants’ proprietary billing systems.
韓國今天正式通過法案,要求 Google 的 Google Play 與 Apple 的 App Store 不得限制開發商只能使用兩間公司的金流。這個法案的通過,代表著兩間公司必須要允許開發商加入其他的金流。這是世界上第一個這麼做的國家,未來會不會像是滾雪球般的讓許多國家紛紛跟著這麼做呢?還是說,兩間公司會動用什麼手段來對抗這個已經通過的法案,就讓我們繼續看下去 (盛竹如口吻~)
可以預測的是 Apple 一定會出來打官腔,說開放其他的支付方式會導致 App Store 的安全性受到威脅就是了 (笑)
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅CarDebuts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ส่องสายการผลิตและประกอบ Mercedes-Benz EQA 2021-2022 เมอร์เซเดส เบนซ์ อีคิวเอ รถเอสยูวีไฟฟ้ารุ่นเริ่มต้น และมีขนาดเล็กที่สุดของบริษัท Electric athlet...
first billing 在 eCloudvalley Facebook 的最讚貼文
The benefit from Data AI/ML solutions for the company can result in a lot of time and cost savings and analysis and research after data collection.
With industry deregulation and the emergence of technologies such as 5G, PureTech Global is increasingly looking for ways to monetize products and services. As a result, the company launched its first AI project, embedding AI into their native workflows in order to leverage consumer data and provide more personalised and impactful apps that increase revenue for the company and its telco clients.
eCloudvalley and PureTech collaborated on this project to understanding users' habits while finding the best time to send billing renewals, building a time-series forecasting model in six weeks, and even taking this extended inquiry to explore more potential business opportunities.
Learn more PureTech Global, please clink in follow 👉
first billing 在 Pazu 薯伯伯 Facebook 的最佳解答
上文提及 SIM 卡手機號碼是過時的科技,但卻是識別身份的其中一個有效方法,文章中提了一些場景去說明以上情況,建議先讀〈上篇〉,再讀這篇對策。
之前提出的問題,提及使用 SIM 卡時經常遇到的不便,例如要插入 SIM 卡才能收取驗證碼,而萬一丟失手機及 SIM 卡,即使有新手機,也要補領 SIM 卡後才能重新啟動 Signal 或 WhatsApp 等聊天軟件,費時失事。
最理想的處理方法,是使用「虛擬號碼」,英文叫 virtual number,或 VoIP 號碼。不需要 SIM 卡或電話線,只用透過服務供應商的 app 或網站,即能查看發至該號碼的短訊。
舉個例子,萬一你丟失了手機及 SIM 卡,你只要在新的手機安裝 Signal 或 WhatsApp,輸入虛擬號碼,然後登錄虛擬手機 app,即能收取驗證碼,極之方便,尤其身處外地之時。
虛擬電話通常是美國號碼,也就是開頭是 +1 字頭,成功申請後,這個 +1 字頭的電話號碼,將會成為 Signal 或 WhatsApp 等對外公開的號碼。坊間提供虛擬號碼的服務供應商雖多,但有些號碼似乎曾經過度使用,登記甚麼服務也會出現問題,另一些則要月費數十至百多元港幣,有比較之下就覺得不算太值得。
我測試最多的服務商有三家:MySudo、Google Voice 及 TextNow。我先說我最不推介的服務吧,不推介 TextNow,他們提供的號碼似乎有不少都曾經重複使用,登記服務時經常遇到問題,得物無所用,極不推介。
那就餘下 MySudo 及 Google Voice。兩者之間,我較為喜歡 Google Voice,但在這裡則會推介 MySudo。我雖然很想推介 Google Voice,但除非你身處美國,本身又有美國當地的手機號碼,否則申請過程頗為困難。即使用了 VPN 並連接至美國伺服器 ,Google 似乎偵測到是用 VPN 連線而拒絕服務申請。
比較容易讓大眾去申請的虛擬號碼服務,是 MySudo。下載該 app,必須要透過美國的 App Store,而不能使用香港 App Store。我一向很鼓勵離岸,所以除了銀行戶口要離岸,其實 App Store 也應該要離岸,這裡示範如何申請美國版的 App Store。
(這裡示範用 iPhone 設置,Android 手機用戶申請過程應該大同小異,請朝這個方向自己摸索一下。對了,其實很多時寫文章,就只是想開個方向,讓讀者自行探索一下,這樣會更有趣。)
申請美國版 App Store:
1. 使用 VPN,連接到美國伺服器。
2. 使用 Firefox 或其他瀏覽器,打開
3. 點擊 Create your Apple ID。
4. 輸入自己的資料,要填寫真實的電郵地址,要跟香港 App Store 的登錄電郵不同,這將是你的戶口登錄資料,稍後要收取一個驗證碼。
5. Country 選 United States。
6. 電話號碼,出奇地,可以使用香港電話,使用 +852,填上香港號碼,稍後要收取驗證碼。
完成以上步驟之後,轉用 iPhone 或 iPad:
1. 建議在手機上先開啟 VPN,連接去美國伺服器。
2. 打開 App Store,把原先的戶口退出。退出的方法,是點擊右上方的頭像,掃至最底,選擇 log out。
3. 登入美國帳號的資料,系統會顯示「This Apple ID has not been used in iTunes Store.」(這個Apple ID還沒有在 iTunes 商店中使用過。)
4. 選擇 Review,然後等待一會,畫面會一片空白,可能要等一分鐘。
5. 確保寫著 United States,選擇 Agree to Terms and Conditions(同意條款),選擇 Next。
6. Payment Method(付費方式):選擇 None。
7. Billing Address(帳單地址):寫個美國地址及電話,自己想,他們不查證。
8. 填完地址選 Next。
9. 如果出現 Apple ID Completed,這就代表你已經成功開設了 App Store 的離岸戶口了!
有關美國 App Store 戶口充值的方法,實在太多細節,請看看之前我寫的文章:
之後要用美國版 App Store 下載 MySudo:
1. 用美國的 App Store 戶口,下載免費的應用 MySudo:
2. 用 VPN 連接到美國的伺服器。
3. 打開 MySudo,如果起始畫面一直沒有任何動靜,可能因為你還未連接到美國 VPN 吧。
4. 在 MySudo 的介面,選擇 Create your first Sudo。
5. 按 Next。如果這裡出現問題,可以嘗試重新連接 VPN,選擇另一些美國的伺服器。如果仍然出現問題,可能你以前曾經使用同一個美國 Apple ID 下載並申請過 MySudo,所以顯示出錯,要用一個之前沒有下載過 MySudo 的美國 Apple ID 再試一次。
6. 輸入名字,暫時輸入真名都可以,之後隨時可以改動,選 Next。
7. 關鍵步驟,選擇號碼,按 Create a Phone Number。
8. 選擇美國(其他國家也可以,按自己情況決定),輸入自己喜歡的三位數字組合,例如 314(314 是密蘇里州聖路易)
9. 選擇心水號碼,選定之後就不能更改了。
10. 之後會問能否取用咪高風,選擇不允許。
11. 選擇名字,這個名字要選個合用,因為之後修改較麻煩。
12. 之後問能否傳送通知,選擇「允許」。
MySudo 的免費版本,提供一個美國的虛擬號碼(也有英國號碼,但我沒有試用過),縱然這裡提供的虛擬號碼是免費,但亦可以接收認證短訊,能用作登記 Signal、Telegram 及 WhatsApp,亦能夠接受不少證券行、交易所之類的二步認證碼,但 VoIP 的號碼不能用作申請美國版本的 PayPal。
我申請的時候,MySudo 號碼是可以一直保留,但近日收到一些讀者回應,指 MySudo 號碼一個月不使用就會過期,我覺得也值得付費保留號碼,而且收費不貴,最便宜的收費計劃一個月才 US$ 0.99。
由於美國 App Store 不支援香港信用卡,所以最好最方便最快捷亦是較為安全的充值方法,是購買 Apple Gift Card(以前有分 iTunes 卡或 Apple Store 卡而且互不兼容,現在統一了,方便易明)。先到 ,選擇 Email,選擇 Other Amount,輸入 $10 試玩一下吧,在 Recipient/Sender Name 輸入自己(可以是代號), Recipient/Sender Email 輸入自己電郵地址(要能接收訊息)。之後填信用卡資料時,只要確保信用卡號碼、日期及 CVC 正確就可以,至於 billing address 即使填了美國,其實也會通過的。可以支付的信用卡,例如獅子銀行信用卡、八達通 app 內的 MasterCard 等,比較容易出問題或被拒絕的是 DBS。支付後等一小時,收到禮品卡就按照指示充值。我自己最喜歡用這個方法充值,而不是把信用卡綁定在 App Store 內,方便易容,又減少信用卡被盜的風險。
🚫 注意:切勿把這個美國號碼登記接收銀行驗證碼,否則一些銀行以為你與美國有關,中了 FATCA(《美國海外帳戶稅收遵從法》,Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act)並要求你經常填寫表格 W-8BEN 申報,很麻煩。其他則沒有問題,只要不用來收銀行短訊就可以。
有一點必須留意,截至 2021 年 1 月 22 日,MySudo 仍然不能在 iPhone 與 Android 之間轉移,但該公司網站上稱會考慮加入此功能。而 MySudo 的備份一定要做得好,這個 app 用 iCloud 也合適(如果開 iCloud,其他大多數 app 的數據其實都沒必要同步,但 MySudo 有點例外)。如果沒有做好備份可能會失去這個號碼,所以要小心,做好備份。
申請了並保存了虛擬號碼,確保 MySudo 的備份做得完美,那就開始逐步把虛擬號碼融進日常生活,取代用了十多年的電話號碼。
注:我稍後(一月底)會在 Patreon 較私密的空間,再探討一下另一個我很推介的虛擬號碼 Google Voice 的申請及應用,但考慮到該文觸及 Google 的灰色地帶,所以設定為 Patreon 的獨家文章。反正大部份文章都是公開,有時設置一兩篇為 Patreon exclusive,我會原諒我自己的任性。
圖:Pixabay / mohamed_hassan
手機號碼跳船策略(番外篇): 獨家文章)
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first billing 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最讚貼文
ส่องสายการผลิตและประกอบ Mercedes-Benz EQA 2021-2022 เมอร์เซเดส เบนซ์ อีคิวเอ รถเอสยูวีไฟฟ้ารุ่นเริ่มต้น และมีขนาดเล็กที่สุดของบริษัท
Electric athlete in the successful format of the GLA:
EQA is the name of the new entry-level model to the all-electric world of Mercedes-EQ vehicles. The dynamic design of its SUV body is an indicator of the driving enjoyment to be found on board. Offering an excellent compromise between performance, costs and time to market, the EQA is the first all-electric member of the compact car vehicle from Mercedes-Benz. A close relation of the GLA, it delivers all the thrilling characteristics of that vehicle, combined in this case with an efficient electric power train. Prices in Germany start at 47,540.50 euros[1].
Efficient driving pleasure:
The EQA is being launched as the EQA 250 (combined electrical consumption: 15.7 kWh/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 0 g/km) with 140 kW and a range according to NEDC of 486 kilometres[2][3][4]. Further variants to meet specific customer requirements will follow. These will include on the one hand a series of even more athletic all-wheel-drive models with an additional electric powertrain (eATS) and an output of 200 kW or more, and on the other hand a version with a range of more than 500 kilometres (WLTP)4. Mercedes-EQ sees the key to a bigger range not in ever-larger batteries, but in systematic improvement in the efficiency of all vehicle components.
Automatic anticipatory driving:
Navigation with Electric Intelligence calculates as a matter of course the route that will get you to your destination fastest, taking into account charging times, thus taking the stress out of route planning for the driver. On the basis of continual range simulations, the system makes allowance for any necessary charging stops as well as for numerous other factors, such as the topography and the weather. It is also able to react dynamically to changes, for instance in the traffic situation or personal driving style.
Convenient charging and payment:
With Mercedes me Charge, customers have access to what is currently the world's biggest charging network: this currently comprises more than 450,000 AC and DC charging points across 31 countries. Mercedes me Charge allows customers convenient use of the charging stations of various providers, even when travelling abroad. By registering just once, they can benefit from an integrated payment function with a simple billing process.
Green Charging:
Mercedes me Charge enables customers to charge at more than 175,000 public charging points throughout Europe; Mercedes-Benz ensures a subsequent offset with green power.
first billing 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文
Hope you all love this video!
Only Allen Iverson could deliver a Hall of Fame speech that name-checked '90s rappers, referenced "Chappelle's Show" and thanked just about every person he met along his basketball journey. Only Shaquille O'Neal could follow that act with what amounted to a half-hour comedy routine that needled former coaches and teammates and included a soap-opera shout-out.
The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame's Class of 2016 lived up to its lofty billing with an epic three-hour induction ceremony Friday night at Springfield's Symphony Hall, with Iverson and O'Neal stealing the show.
Iverson delivered a captivating 31-minute speech in which he overcame initial jitters during a memorable address that featured multiple standing ovations. Fans with No. 3 Iverson jerseys in the balcony cheered throughout.
Dressed in a black suit with a black shirt and tie, Iverson paused repeatedly to collect himself at the start of his speech while thanking his three presenters -- Larry Brown, Julius Erving and John Thompson -- as well as members of his family.
Fighting tears throughout, Iverson thanked former Georgetown coach Thompson "for saving my life."
"[After] the incident happened in high school and all that was taken away ... no other schools would recruit me anymore," Iverson recalled, referencing a racial brawl at a bowling alley that landed him in jail. His conviction in the case was later overturned. "My mom went to Georgetown and begged [Thompson] to give me a chance. And he did."
He said he later left Georgetown only as "an OK basketball player."
"But once I started to listen to Larry Brown and take constructive criticism, I learned how much of a great, great coach that he really is. ... That's when I became an MVP," Iverson said.
In maybe the most memorable moment of his address, Iverson recalled his first time playing against his idol, Michael Jordan.
"Man, I wanted to be like Mike," Iverson said. "I remember the first time I played against him. I walked out on the court and I looked at him. And, for the first time in my life, a human being didn't really look real to me. You know what I mean? I don't know if you all watch the 'Chappelle Show,' but he talked about a certain incident where somebody's seeing Rick James. Like I literally seen his aura. It looked like he was glowing.
"I'm sitting there, and I'm saying, 'Man, that's Michael.' And I'm looking at him. I can't stop looking at him. I'm looking at his shoes, and I'm like, man, he's got on the Jordans! It was my Mike. It was my idol, my hero."
After the Jordan story, Iverson seemed to settle in. Nervously rocking at the start of his speech, he confidently thanked a Rolodex of coaches, owners, teammates and rappers.
"I want to thank Biggie Smalls, Redman, Jadakiss, Tupac and Michael Jackson for being my theme music throughout my career," Iverson said.
Twenty-two minutes into his speech, Iverson said, "The Philly fans," and that elicited a monster reaction from the balcony, which immediately engaged in an "MVP" chant.
Added Iverson: "My relationship with the fans in Philadelphia is like no other. I thank you all for the support over the years. ... You never jumped off the bandwagon, continued to support me like true fans are supposed to."
Iverson also paid tribute to "the ones that stuck by me throughout my journey." He cited "all the barbershop talk that my family had and all the arguments my friends had with people in the barbershop and hair salon.
"Now you can say: 'Well, look, my man is solidified.'"
Iverson closed his speech with a nod to the "guys who are not my friends anymore."
"I'm glad that you blew your cover for me to recognize that you [weren't] any good to my family or me. And I appreciate y'all for that. So if I make any more new friends, I know the signs," he said.
Not to be outdone, O'Neal took the stage for a punchline-filled speech as the final inductee of the night.
O'Neal referenced Luke and Laura from "General Hospital" and joked about his commercial endeavors, including how he sat in a "Buick I knew I couldn't fit in." Drawing laughter, O'Neal added, "Hey, they paid me $3 million. What did you want me to say, no?"
His speech had serious moments, like when he thanked his parents, Phil Harrison and Lucille O'Neal, for giving him the discipline and drive that drove his NBA dream.
"If I know my father, he's up there arguing with Wilt [Chamberlain] that his son is the best big man in the game," O'Neal said.
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